Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Project of the Week

LOOK what I made! (well one just like it.) I signed up for a class through Poppy Seed Projects to make this! Yep I painted, stapled and put the frame together, and then the lady helped me put this cool stuff on top of the picture to make it look like an oil painting. It was so fun! and totally worth it. I had no idea it would be so big! They sell pictures like these at Deseret Book for like $150. It was a steal of a deal!

Usually people choose the temple that they were married in...well, I figure, the SL temple would be the best one for now! It belongs to everybody! They also have a cute Family one. Once again, I wanted to make it and "Save" putting on the family picture part and do it, well when I have a family. But Apparently you have to bring your picture with you.. so when that fine day happens, I know where to go!
Check out their site here. I also distressed my frame a bit to give it the antiquey look. Love these kinds of projects that are simple, so I can do them!


Marian said...

That is so cute! I was just looking for a pic like that of the Logan temple about a month ago to put up in our living room and couldn't find one that I loved without paying too much. We finally just changed the colors of a pic we had taken earlier. But it is not nearly as nice as what you made!

Megan Rogers said...

I want one of those so bad! The next time I have and extra $50, I am so doing one!

Stephanie said...

I made one of the Bountiful temple... I felt like I was in a craft boot camp though. They had us movin' the whole morning.

MissiMay said...

Can you teach me? I was thinking that would be a way cute wedding present for people getting married in the temple. ;o)