Sunday, September 19, 2010


Folks its the moment you have all been waiting for. The long awaited results have come forth. Which COLOR apple do MY FIRST GRADERS like the best, you ask? We did a TASTE TEST Friday and take a look for yourselves....

Also- Van Gogh, we are following in your footsteps....

well, some of us aren't!

What exactly is that big giant black man!

PS- My kids are still crazy out of control. I am constantly after day, hour after hour. I thought I signed up for EDUCATING these little darlings. WRONG-O. I am constantly teaching them manners, how NOT to interrupt, how to raise their hand, how to walk quietly in the halls. Third grade is sounding better and better. In all honesty, its draining, but there are moments sprinkled with fun when they behave. They are learning that we do FUN things when they can LISTEN and OBEY. One day I almost said, "Be Reverent." Good thing I caught myself :) I did receive a cute bouquet of garden flowers, (can you call it a bouquet if only two flowers are there?) wrapped in a wet paper towel. Darling!
My principal is coming within the next TWO weeks to observe me. Yep, maybe I will tell the students, that he is watching THEM for kindergarten-like behavior and will send them back....that will keep em quiet eh?
Yours Truly,
Miss Purvis


Ashley Rae said...

Hahaha. Being the parent of a first grader, this makes me laugh. I'm glad my daughter isn't the only one who constantly needs to be reminded of manners. (Although she says she's good for her teacher. Haha)

I'm sure you're such a fun teacher!

Marian said...

Oh my gosh! So fun! You gotta be real proud of the good times because there are plenty of things that won't go quite how you played it out in your head. You must have patience the size of a mountain to teach those little kids. Good for you!

Megan Rogers said...

Okay, so they liked green apples? These kids. I am a red apple girl!!
Oh, and loved the Van Gogh board. So fun. I want to do little art projects!

Kaija said...

Meg you should come down and volunteer one day! Wouldn't that be SO fun! i probably wouldn't get any teaching done...just sit around and laugh with you!

Marian- I have a problem. My patience is diminishing! Don't be so proud yet!

Anonymous said...

We just graphed our apples today! Our favorite was the Honeycrisp variety. Did they all cheer for one of the apples every time an apple was added? It was like they were watching a race! They did so well on their Van Gogh art! How did you do that lesson? I love that we are colleagues now. ;)

Heidi B. said...

Apparently I choose to be anonymous? This is the first time I have ever posted a comment on a blog.

Ashley Hall said...

Kaija! I love you! I bet you are the cutest little first grade teacher ever. The only thing I can relate it to is being the ward chorister, which I am currently. I feel like I spend half my time trying to get the kids to be quiet and I love it, but its draining too, so I totally understand. We really, really need to get together soon. Love you!