Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the SpIrIt of CHRISTmas

Listen to this quote by President Monson...

"The Spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul."
LOVE that.
Here's some more warm hearted goodness..

and another....about a little girl who teaches her family what its all about...

Christmas time is a season that brings joy, peace, hope, love, and for me, change. It's always around the end of November when I think to myself, I need to be better. Christmas is the perfect time to be reminded of what matters most. Last year, I made my own little advent calendar and wrote down qualities that the Savior possessed that I desired to have. I wrote down what I needed to do, to have these qualities. Some of those qualities were: humility, gratitude, patience, becoming slow to anger, compassion, sincerity, meekness, and the one I left for the last day, the 25 th day, was CHARITY. The PURE love of CHRIST. To love like HE did, is something that I will be working on my entire lifetime.