Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Oh January.
Posted by Unknown at 6:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2014
Oh hey! this is a teacher type post.....
So I have been working on a little "Home-School Connection" if you will, involving SIGHT WORDS. I wanted my parents to become more involved in helping their child learn these important words. Well....I then decided to make a TEACHER EDITION- and laminate the cards and flip through them as we are at the carpet together, as we (me included) are waiting <not so patiently> for the recess bell to ring, or as we are lining up to go home.....this "Popcorn on a Ring" is perfect! Take it on the go, in the car, whatever!

There are 6 alphabet recognition cards, and Popcorn sight words per page.

Posted by Unknown at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2014
While reading the book <like five years ago> I kept likening it to The Garden of Eden. Tonight- the same thing kept running around in my mind. In the Garden, Adam and Eve didn't experience pleasure because they didn't know pain. It was only because of the Fall, that allowed them to feel, to love, to learn, to grow, to progress.
In the movie, the GIVER is like our Heavenly Father. He gives us experiences and opportunities to "save us." To become like Him. Sometimes the opportunities or "memories" He has in store are painful. We cry. We hurt. We are lonely. We are sick. We want it to be over....BUT. We FEEL. We love. We have Faith and Hope. He is the one wanting us to TRUST not only IN HIM, but to TRUST HIM.
The relationship between the Giver and Jonas was built by trust. He was slowly showing Jonas memories and experienced the joys and pain with him. Our Savior, Jesus Christ is also our GIVER. Our Advocate. He has been through the depths of despair and pain and hell. He knows what its like. He KNOWS. He hurts when we hurt. BUT....He also is there in the sunsets, in children laughing, in the sweet smell of summer, in everything that is good. Yep. HE is there with us. Anyways, I just wanted to share my little thoughts. Go see the movie! Its ALMOST as good as the book!
Posted by Unknown at 10:44 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Can you give me one of your Saturdays.
So at age 30 I am STILL humbly learning life lessons from my mom. A few weeks before Easter my mom asks me a question. "Can you give me one of your Saturdays?"
As a young single adult, working with kindergarteners day after day, Saturdays are precious! I roll my eyes and say, "What do you need help with?"(Not getting the Daughter of the Year award after that...)
I let my mind fast forward and thought, does she need help cleaning out the shed, or attaching a photo to an email- my patience in teaching her technology is gone.
She replies, I don't need help with anything. My mind didn't really hear her and I rambled off some Saturday that I would begrudgingly spend time *helping* her do something.
Well, Easter Sunday comes. I was supposed to go over and help her the previous day. I thought she would remind me or call me or something. She didn't.
She says, "Yesterday you were supposed to come over. " I said Oh shoot. You should have reminded me. She says, "No, I wasn't going to remind you. This was going to be on your terms."
Well turns out, my wonderful and loving mother had set up an Easter girls day for us. We were to get our hair cut, pedicures and lunch. "This was going to be your Easter present." she said.
Me now feeling like a complete idiot and trying not to act like I cared, said oh can we still do it?
You can bet what her answer was....No.
I was truly humbled. There were no others words for how I felt. Humbled.
Sometimes we are asked to do things, and we may not yet see the benefits or blessings that come from doing what we were asked to do.
A lot of times, blessings come from within the heart. A simple peaceful feeling knowing you helped someone, a moment that allows you to grow closer to Heavenly Father. These opportunities are blessings that allow us to become more like our Savior. We may be stretched at times, but HE knows exactly what He is molding us in to. It may be painful, lonely or hard, but with Heavenly Father by our side, we can get through!
photo courtey: http://keepingitpersonal.com/2012/04/potters-hands/
Now go listen to Julie de
Azevedo's "Masterpiece." #14
"Write your will upon my heart, mold my soul to your design."
Posted by Kaija at 1:31 PM 1 comments
I Love you 206
My cute friend Emily recounted this story in her
lesson at church today:

Posted by Kaija at 12:47 PM 1 comments